
About Us

Come Home

Alpha Delta Pi has 133 chapters with a housing facility. The largest house currently sleeps 128 collegiate members!

Alpha Delta Pi facilities operate under two types of management. The first type is our International Housing Corporation (IHC) which is managed by Executive Office staff members. The second type is a local House Corporation (HC) which is comprised of alumnae volunteers near each campus facility.

Our Mission: 

To build relationships within the setting of each safe and secure ADPi facility.

Our Team:

Executive Office staff members, Housing Resource Director volunteers, and local House Corporations work together to support ADPi facilities. 

The professional staff within Alpha Delta Pi’s Executive Office Housing Department is in place to assist House Corporation’s with any facility related need while overseeing the management of individual facilities under the IHC umbrella.

The IHC staff is responsible for many aspects of Alpha Delta Pi chapter housing such as:

  • Leasing/purchasing/remodeling facilities
  • Collecting compliance documents from each House Corporation
  • Training
  • Providing advice on billing, accounts payable, safety, décor, etc.

To learn more about the International Housing Corporation or communicate with a staff member please contact Director of Housing Amy Poklinkoski.

Our HC volunteer boards follow a specific set of policies to keep their corporation in compliance with the Federal Government and Alpha Delta Pi. They hold general meetings throughout the year and an annual meeting for all members. Three (3) Chapter Officers sit on each HC as voting members of the board and those officers are: President, VP Finance, and VP Facility Management.

Each HC are responsible for many aspects of the facility and its membership including:

  • keep an annual budget for the facility
  • maintain up-to-date bylaws
  • collect facility related fees
  • distribute/collect agreements
  • maintain insurance and inspection compliance
  • oversee facility employees
  • complete government required tax forms

Much of these responsibilities are required, not just to remain in good standing with Alpha Delta Pi, but to be in good standing with the State and Federal Government since each HC is a recognized legal entity.

To learn more about House Corporations or be connected to the Housing Resource Director in your area please contact Director of Housing Amy Poklinkoski.