An Internship Beyond the Office

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January 26th, 2023


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With the application deadline for this summer’s Executive Office Internship Program, we asked a few former interns to expand upon their experience. If you have hesitations on whether to apply or want to know more about the vast benefits of interning at ADPi’s Executive Office, keep reading to hear about the extensive professional development opportunities available in this program.



Quinn Moran, PiIowa State University

My experience as an Executive Office Intern showed 

me that my sorority experience was larger than just my collegiate experience. I had joined a sorority for a community during my time at Iowa State, but while working at Executive Office, I saw women who had been involved with our sisterhood for 50+ years. It sparked my passion for the idea of a lifelong commitment to ADPi and instilled the importance of mentorship in me. I went on to become my Chapter’s President, and after I graduated, I served as a Leadership Consultant in 2018-19. I began volunteering for ADPi right after I wrapped up my time as an LC and have been volunteering since then. I have been mentored in my career by Jenn Moyer and Tammie Pinkston, in my advisory roles by Erin Killingsworth, and even have had personal mentors like Kalie Kelman show me how to navigate my adult life. As I’ve gotten older, I get to be a mentor for the collegians I advise. Being an intern opened up my eyes to the bigger picture of Alpha Delta Pi, and for that, I am forever grateful!

Katie Clarke, Xi – Ohio University

My experience as an EO Intern was nothing like I would have expected. Having the opportunity to meet and build relationships with other Alpha Delta Pi women from around the country was not only rewarding but impactful. I will always cherish the memories I made with other EO Interns for years to come. However, you gain more than just friendships from the EO Internship at Executive Office. I was able to apply the skills I gained from networking and professional development at Phi Mu National Headquarters, Chick-fil-a, Mercedes Benz, Delta Airlines, and within the office in an interview process for a future job, interacting with companies at a career fair, and applying it to my current campus job.


Maddie Russell, Zeta Iota – Georgia College and State University

I cannot say enough good things about the EO Internship program! While working with the marketing department, I was able to take away many transferable skills involving teamwork, leadership, and attention to detail. I was able to network with many professionals who are female leaders in their industry and gain insight into the ways they have been successful in their careers. Overall, having the privilege to serve as an EO intern helped me develop many interpersonal skills in both my personal and professional life. I will never forget having the opportunity to make many new friendships with my fellow intern sisters, and have the best summer ever while living together! Apply apply! You will not regret it.


Katie Herndon, Tau – University of Kansas

There were endless opportunities to connect, learn and grow professionally through the internship program. Working at EO taught me how to have professional conversations and develop essential career development skills like interview techniques and application tips. During our visits to Delta, Chick-Fil-A, and Mercedes-Benz, we connected with Panhellenic women who have been mentors to me as I prepare for the start of my career. All of the people I’ve met while an intern was nothing short of welcoming, kind and inspirational and I cannot recommend this program enough.


Chimdinma Chijioke, Beta Thea – University of Manitoba

Visiting different companies and learning about their work cultures helped me understand what to look for in companies as I apply for jobs now. There were a lot of opportunities to network with the employees at the companies we visited as well as alumnae volunteers.


Olivia Royal, Iota Beta – Campbell

During my summer as an EO Intern, I was provided with so many networking opportunities that led me to realize how beneficial and rewarding being a sister of Alpha Delta Pi is, especially in the professional world. We were able to have round table discussions with sisters and influential women in the Panhellenic community as they revealed to us how they incorporated their leadership skills gained as collegiate sisters into their now flourishing careers. It was so comforting to see first-hand how my time as a collegian is just the beginning of my journey within Alpha Delta Pi and will prove to set me up for success in my future career.


Click HERE to find out more about the Executive Office Internship Program and apply before February 10, 2023! 


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