Meet Some of our Forever First Campaign Donors

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Foundation | History


December 23rd, 2022


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Last month, we introduced our Forever First Campaign Co-Chairs. Now, we’d like to share some thoughts from just a few of our many Forever First donors.


Q: Why have you chosen to support the Forever First Campaign?

“I support the Forever First Campaign because I see the value in preserving our history. Alpha Delta Pi has such a long history full of amazing sisters, inspiring stories, and treasured artifacts and I want to see those shared for all to see.”

“I decided to help with the campaign because I want our legacy to continue and want new sisters to come to know our history.”

“I support the Forever First Campaign because I believe that the preservation of Alpha Delta Pi’s history is an invaluable opportunity to strengthen our sisterhood through education. Understanding the members and customs that came before us can help to solidify the bond each of us shares with early Adelpheans and ADPi [members] from previous generations. I believe this research can also aid in further establishing the personal conviction each of us has for the values espoused by our sorority, as outlined by the guiding points of our diamond badge. It is sometimes easy to lose sight of why we joined this organization due to the multitude of social events, programming requirements, and more offered. That said, the times I feel most fulfilled by my membership in this organization are when connected to our heritage and ritual. I hope the Forever First campaign is able to connect other members in this way in the near future!”

“I believe that documenting the history of any organization is essential. Since ADPi was the first secret society for women, it’s even more important to document our history from 1851 to the present and beyond. I want to be able to look back and reflect on ADPi history and my chapter’s history, which requires us to capture the history using the latest technology. The Forever First Campaign is providing the means to do just that.”

“ADPi has been an important part of my life. Beyond my collegiate years, I have stayed very involved as an alumna and have even attended five Grand Conventions, including the 1983 Convention when the Foundation was established. I’ve also visited Macon and utilized our archives many times. Once you realize how big and important this sorority is, you know that our history needs to be preserved in a significant way. I know the planning of this project is in good hands and I cannot wait to see the results.”

Q: What project being completed through this campaign are you most excited about and why?

“For me, it is a tie between updates to Memorial Headquarters and the Digital Archives. I can still remember being a young collegian driving by the outside of Memorial Headquarters after a weekend at DLC and the excitement just the outside brought. I have not yet had the opportunity to step inside Memorial Headquarters, but I hear it doesn’t tell a story on its own. With such a beautiful building, I fully believe designing something that will intrigue sisters and make them want to take a trip to Atlanta opens opportunities. As for the Digital Archives, it creates an inclusive space for all sisters, coast to coast, to be able to see what a rich history Alpha Delta Pi has.”

“My love of gardening and horticulture certainly makes updates to the Hubbard Memorial Garden exciting to me, but I’m also excited to see the Digital Archives completed because those will be accessible to so many sisters even if they never have a chance to visit Memorial Headquarters and the garden.”

“I am most excited for the Digital Archives! As a new Delta member, my first real involvement in my chapter was as Archivist (then called Historian). I used that as an opportunity to learn more not only about our overall organizational history, but to bring my own chapter’s then nearly 100-year history to life for my fellow members. As Archivist, I implemented ‘History Fact of the Week’ where I shared a tidbit about a former member or chapter accomplishment discovered through the Digital Archives. This fun weekly ritual wouldn’t have been possible without the ability for me to access the files on my local device, and the ability to ‘Command F’ search was especially helpful! Now, as a volunteer, I am asked questions about our history and heritage that require the assistance of primary sources such as back issues of the Adelphean, Convention addresses and programs, and more unique artifacts. While the existing archives are definitely useful, I often have to engage the support of staff to help with more advanced searches. The development of our Digital Archives will not only make a wider selection of information accessible but will further empower my role as a volunteer.”


Our Forever First Campaign donors come from coast to coast and represent more than 75 chapters so far. We are grateful for each and every one of them! To learn more about the Forever First Campaign, please visit


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