“I Volunteer Because…”

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April 19th, 2022


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As April is Volunteer Appreciation Month and April 17-23 is specifically Volunteer Appreciation Week, three of our volunteers share their experiences and why they choose to give their time and efforts to Alpha Delta Pi.


After serving as an Alpha Delta Pi Leadership Consultant from 2011 to 2012, I decided that I needed a little “time off” from Alpha Delta Pi (not because it wasn’t a fantastic experience– it was! I had just been so overly involved that I wanted to have another type of volunteer experience in my spare time as I began graduate school.) 

Six months after moving to Washington, D.C. for a professional opportunity, I joined the Advisory Board for the Beta Phi Chapter at the University of Maryland thanks to the gentle nudging of an alumna friend! This experience reminded me of what I love about our organization– it’s always there when you need it most. A quick stint in Recruitment & Marketing led me to my true passion, member experience, with the Alpha Pi Chapter at George Washington University where I’ve been the Membership Experience Advisor for several years. My favorite part of advising these women is watching them interact with one another over the course of their collegiate experience. They transform with each passing year, and, at Alpha Pi in particular, hone their own emotions and opinions into clear, concise self-assuredness. I have learned so much from the ways in which Delta members communicate with one another, exist in the world around them, and think about the future of our organization. Alpha Pi Chapter celebrated its Centennial in February and, once again, I was reminded how our sisterhood can be so far-reaching and, yet, so close to home. 

Haley Maynard, Gamma Kappa ‘08


I ran home to the Zeta Omega Chapter of ADPi at the University of Central Florida in the fall of ’84. I wanted to find friendship and be a part of something wonderful while in college, but I had no idea that ADPi would become such an integral part of my life. After my undergrad years, I went off to graduate school, got married, and was just doing life when my sweet husband decided to take me on a 5-week sabbatical with a trip around the country. I told him I wanted to end up in Atlanta and attend the 150th celebration there in 2001. It was during this special time of celebrating that I reconnected with my love of and for ADPi, and my volunteer journey began. In 2001, I was so excited to serve on the Zeta Omega House Corp at UCF, and I still love working on the board 21 years later, currently serving as President. It’s been wonderful to witness so many women enjoy the bonds of sisterhood that are shared within our house at UCF.

In 2017, I was asked to serve as the Standards Advisor for the Flordia Southern College chapter that was only 15 minutes from my hometown. This began my journey as a volunteer advisor for the Gamma Gamma chapter. After one year, I stepped into the challenging and rewarding role of Executive Chapter Advisor. In my five years working with Gamma Gamma, it has been my goal to mold women to be committed sisters, exceptional employees with marketable skills, and contributing citizens. Without a doubt, I believe I have learned far more from these amazing women than they have learned from me.

Volunteering allows me to reinforce my belief in our Creed as I truly believe being an ADPi is a way of life, and it is something I proudly proclaim to whoever will listen. I am so incredibly grateful to the women who reached out to me to encourage me to volunteer, and I’m so grateful to my sisters, Alphas, Deltas, & Pis, who constantly challenge me to be the best version of myself. Every sister has something incredibly beautiful to bring to the table as a volunteer, so please consider sharing your time, treasures, and talents with all your sisters, especially those embarking on the lifetime experience that is the Alpha Delta Pi sisterhood.

Dorothea Taylor Bogert, Zeta Omega ’84


When an organization that has given you so much asks you to give back, that’s exactly what you do…. give back. Being a volunteer for this wonderful sisterhood has brought me so much joy and fulfillment. Alpha Delta Pi has helped me grow as a leader, mentor, a woman and has blessed me with lifelong friendships. Volunteering for Alpha Delta Pi has allowed me to be a part of something bigger than myself. It has given me the opportunity to live our motto, We Live For Each Other, and show others why these words mean so much to our sisterhood.

I came home to Alpha Delta Pi in the Fall of 1990 at Eta Kappa chapter at California State University, San Bernardino. As a collegian, I held many leadership positions and hoped one day to become an advisor.

My volunteer life began at an alumnae association meeting. A sister who was serving as an International Officer approached me and asked if I would be interested in volunteering as an advisor. I didn’t know it then, but that day would change my life forever. I have had the pleasure of serving as an advisor for my home chapter and for Zeta Alpha Chapter at California State University, Fullerton. I now have served in every capacity, except for Finance. As an advisor, I not only learned more about our ever-changing sisterhood, but I was able to advise and mentor some wonderful collegians. I did my best to guide and help them grow, and I truly believe they did the same for me. I worked with some wonderful advisors, and I have to say we definitely laughed a lot. To be honest, there were some tears too. We faced challenges together and worked together to provide the best sorority experience for our collegiate sisters.

A few years ago, I was honored to be appointed to my current role as a Collegiate Province Director for the Western District. I work with the Nu 4 Province which includes Theta Omega Chapter at the University of California, Riverside and Eta Kappa Chapter at California State University, San Bernardino. This is volunteering at a much different level, but I have enjoyed all the highs and lows.

I have worked with some amazing alumnae sisters as an advisor and as an International Officer. We have celebrated the good times with each other and have been there for each other through the challenges. In all my years volunteering for our sisterhood, I have seen chapters grow to reach their potential and I have seen some who need some extra love. What’s most important for me, though, is that they all understand we are sisters first. Our common bond is the badge we all wear with pride. Anything and everything we do as volunteers is out of the love and passion we feel for this sisterhood we are so lucky to be a part of. I also hope I inspire those I work with to one day advise or become an International Officer. Having volunteered for the last 15 years has been one of the greatest experiences in my life.  I’m not sure where my volunteer life will lead me, but for now, this is ADPi heaven.

Lastly, I would be remiss if I left out my biggest support system of all. That would be my family. I couldn’t do this without them. I am married to the most amazing and supportive man, my husband Brian and we have a beautiful family. My work outside of Alpha Delta Pi? We currently live in Southern California, so I’ve been able to work at some cool places. I worked for the Disneyland Resort for 13 years but have since moved on to Sofi Stadium as a Guest Experience Manager. We recently hosted Super Bowl LVI and for this L.A. Rams fan, it was definitely one of the highlights of my career.

Melinda Perez, Eta Kappa ’90


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