Meet the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation Volunteers: Part 1

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April 8th, 2022


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At the heart of the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation’s mission to Educate, Lead, and Serve, are more than 75 Foundation volunteers. Our volunteers work throughout the year to support many programs and initiatives – reviewing applications to award grants and scholarships, supporting fundraising efforts for RMHC®, finding new ways to engage and show appreciation to Foundation donors, and so much more.

For Volunteer Appreciation Month, we asked our volunteers why they love serving and supporting the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation. Below are just some of the responses we received:

“For me, serving the Foundation has been a magical way for me to combine my love of philanthropy events and supporting our chapter women!”

“What I love about volunteering for the Foundation is that in a season when growing a family and career is time consuming and priority, serving on the Abigail Davis Committee affords the opportunity to continue to make a difference and have meaningful impact in the lives of sisters without the same time investments as other roles.”

“I serve as a Foundation Trustee to advance our sisterhood by providing financial support back to the sorority that has positively impacted my life and encouraging sisters to do the same.”

“Being on the Investment Committee feels worthwhile as I can help the Foundation invest the monies well and have more money to give out in scholarship.”

Our volunteers represent more than 50 Alpha Delta Pi chapters.

“I spent many years as a Chapter Advisor and then a few years as a Province Director. I enjoyed serving ADPi in those roles, but as the seasons of life changed so did my ability to serve in those roles. I was thrilled to have another opportunity to serve when the role on the Development Committee was offered to me. I made life-long friendships with sisters during college and with sisters in my volunteer roles after college. I was given many opportunities to serve, lead, and grow thanks to ADPi so I am grateful to be able to continue to serve while supporting the Foundation – the work the Foundation does matters!”

“I love supporting the Foundation as a Trustee because of what the Foundation offers my sisters. Even though I may never meet many whose lives are touched by the Foundation, it is rewarding to know that our work might help shape a sister’s life or offer support in their time of need.”

“My involvement with Ronald McDonald House Charities® began about the time that they were adopted as ADPi’s philanthropy [more than 40 years ago]. So, working with RMHC as a collegian, alumna, and community volunteer makes serving on the RMHC Endowment Grant Committee a full-circle experience.”

“As a Foundation Trustee for the past four years, I have had the opportunity to empower sisters with a wide array of leadership and educational programs to provide the skills to motivate and inspire others who share their vision of a better world.”

In the 2020-2021 Giving Year, our emergency grant committees awarded $93,000 to support Alpha Delta Pi members in need.

“I love volunteering with the Foundation not just because it allows me to have a direct impact on the lives of our sisters but also because it has introduced me to so many amazing ADPi members across the country!”

“I love being a Foundation volunteer because we see and provide support for the very best things happening in Alpha Delta Pi. From the grants to support sorority programming to scholarships that defray the costs of education for our members, we have a front row seat to why the Greek experience is relevant and rewarding.”

“As a Philanthropy Director for more than two years, I’ve really enjoyed working with our collegiate women to educate them on the Ronald McDonald House Charities and how we can better serve our community and families when they need it most.”

Our Philanthropy Directors helped collegiate and alumnae chapters raise $903,698 for local Ronald McDonald House Charities Chapters and other nonprofit organizations in 2020-2021.

“Giving back to Alpha Delta Pi through my volunteer time and effort is my way of saying ‘thank you’ to the sorority who welcomed me and cultivated my identity as a confident, young woman who could set forth upon graduation in achieving whatever she dared to imagine for her life. Thank you to the sisters who supported me then . . . and now!”

“Volunteering for the Foundation on its Clasped Hands Committee exemplifies the ADPi motto ‘We Live For Each Other.’”

Come back next week to learn more about the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation volunteers! And thank you to all Alpha Delta Pi volunteers for your loyal service to our sisterhood.


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