Put Your Trust in Alpha Delta Pi

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October 26th, 2020


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By Meg Sliwa – Alpha Kappa, University of Tennessee, Knoxville


When I sit and think of the person I was more than two years ago, before joining Alpha Delta Pi, I think of how much hope and excitement I had. Before the start of Formal Recruitment my freshman year, my sister told me of all the wonderful experiences she was having as an Alpha Delta Pi. I imagined how amazing it would be to find a place that I could call home, just as my sister had. The moment I walked through the doors of the Pi Palace, I knew that I had found my forever home. By putting my trust in Alpha Delta Pi, I have found the place where I am supported in all aspects of life, embraced for my love of sparkles, and encouraged to grow and be the best version of myself.


As my freshman year began, I found so many amazing role models in my chapter. I hoped to be just like those women someday. As Officer Interviews quickly approached, I thought I should give myself a chance and interview for a leadership role. I wanted to make a difference in my chapter but was worried that I would not receive a leadership role due to being a freshman. The day of my interview approached and I wondered how the chapter would be able to put its trust in me when I had not even been a member of Alpha Delta Pi for a full year. I knew I had to go into my interview with an open mind and just be myself. In that moment, I had to put my trust in ADPi. Although I was nervous, it turned out more amazing than I could have imagined. I was appointed the role of Panhellenic Delegate and would be the first freshman to ever serve on our Executive Committee. Little did I know that this would just be the beginning of my opportunities in Alpha Delta Pi.


As my time serving as Panhellenic Delegate continued, I realized that Alpha Delta Pi was a place for growth. My role provided me with the amazing opportunity to network with other collegians, alumni, and staff at my university. All of these wonderful experiences made me realize how each member plays such an important role in our sisterhood. This opened my mind to all of the possibilities that my future could have within our chapter and beyond. As Officer Interviews approached my sophomore year, I knew that I wanted to run for another leadership role. I was filled with joy when I found out that I had been elected the Vice President of Operations! I knew that this role would open many doors to learn more about my chapter, our members and so much more.


Although I was thrilled to hold such a prominent role in my chapter, I knew that I wanted to do more. During late November of my sophomore year I sat wondering what I could do to impact Alpha Delta Pi on a larger scale. Somehow, this led me to pick up the phone and call Executive Office. Nervous and not knowing what to expect out of this call, one of the kindest and most welcoming people answered the phone, Meg Hoffay. Little did I know that Meg would become one of my biggest role models and support systems in Alpha Delta Pi. She helped me navigate all of my thoughts and ideas and encouraged me to apply to the Collegiate Advisory Committee and the Executive Office Intern Program. Of course, I could have let my fears of rejection get to me, but yet again I decided to put my trust in Alpha Delta Pi. I applied to both the Collegiate Advisory Committee and the Executive Office Intern program.


Excitement filled me, as I was offered a position to be on the first ever Collegiate Advisory Committee and to serve as an Executive Office Intern for the summer of 2020. I cannot put into words how grateful I am for all of the experiences and memories that I have created while serving in both of these roles. As a member on the Collegiate Advisory Committee, I have been able to serve as a voice for collegians on a national level. We have discussed a wide range of topics, met more people than I can count, and had conversations that have resulted in change in our organization. Not to mention the friendships that I have created with the women on this committee that will last a lifetime. The gratitude that I have for the opportunity to sit on this committee is immense. As an EO Intern, my experience looks a lot different from interns in the past. As COVID-19 hit, I immediately worried that I would not have the opportunity to serve as an intern. At the beginning of the summer I was thrilled to find out that Alpha Delta Pi would be switching the intern program to an online platform in order to allow this program to continue through the pandemic. Through this experience, I was able to manage projects, participate in workshops, sit in on staff meetings, meet many Alpha Delta Pi sisters, and much more. Although the challenge of being an intern during a pandemic came our way, this did not stop our constant dedication to Alpha Delta Pi and the strong sisterhood we have. The Executive Office Intern program is an experience that I will always hold close to my heart. I cannot thank Alpha Delta Pi enough for choosing me to be a part of the first CAC and the first online EO Intern program.


As my time as a Junior in ADPi continues, the one thing that I have learned is that I can always put my trust in Alpha Delta Pi. It has allowed me to grow, learn, and be a servant to others. I certainly would not be the woman I am today without this wonderful sisterhood. Always know that the opportunities are endless as a woman in Alpha Delta Pi, because ‘We Live for Each other’.



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