ReMember Dues

Support the ADPi Membership Experience

Alpha Delta Pi strives to provide a meaningful, lifelong experience for members. This has been our mission since our founding more almost 175 years ago in 1851, and it remains true today. Our hope is that when you think about ADPi, you reflect on your feelings of home, connection with sisters, and personal growth you have experienced through your membership.

As a way to give back and support ADPi’s efforts to provide an outstanding experience for future generations of women, we ask all alumnae to pay annual ReMember Dues (or voluntary alumnae dues) of $30 or more to the Sorority. These dues support ADPi’s mission to provide women with a meaningful and lifelong member experience that empowers them to reach their full potential through leadership, educational, philanthropic, and social opportunities. Specifics include:

  • Membership affordability by reducing the financial burden placed on collegians
  • Collegiate officer and advisor training (ADPi Academy, webinars, e-learning content, and other in-person experiences)
  • Training and resources for the thousands of women serving as volunteers supporting our chapters, alumnae associations, and house corporations
  • Technology and marketing enhancements to strengthen our platforms and promote the organization
  • Publication of The Adelphean on a quarterly basis
  • Outreach and engagement opportunities for all members (Engage Events, Grand Convention, and Summer Summit)
  • Member recognition and celebrations (Jewel Degree, Founders’ Day, and Milestone Anniversary Ceremonies)
  • Ritual paraphernalia needs for collegiate chapters

With your support, ADPi is even better positioned to “Be the First” on our campus homes and in our communities.


Frequently Asked Questions

You are a lifetime member of ADPi and did pay an initiation fee as part of your lifetime membership. Unfortunately, when the fess was established, there was no way to predict rising costs. Our 250,000+ alumnae now account for more than 95% of our sisterhood’s membership but contribute merely 1-2% of our operating funds.

Yes, the amount is very low. Junior League, Rotary, and many other membership organizations charge annual fees that are significantly higher than $30. As a result, these organizations are able to provide significant services to their members. Imagine the advancements and impact we could make as an organization with more alumnae paying ReMember Dues each year!

Yes, many sisters do, and for that we are extremely grateful. Donations to the Foundation make a significant contribution to our philanthropic goals of scholarship, leadership development, support of the Ronald McDonald House and sisters in need. However, the IRS highly regulates how this money can be spent. ReMember Alumnae dues pay for items the Foundation cannot pay for, such as technology development, marketing/public relations, and membership materials for chapters and associations.


Grand Council has a fiduciary responsibility and obligation to best allocate the organization’s financial resources to further the mission of the sorority. Input is provided by more than 150 International Officers who volunteer as part of teams to develop programs, carry out goals and oversee budgets. All aspects are reviewed and evaluated annually to determine each year’s budget. Additionally, as part of ADPi’s strategic plan, members are asked through focus groups and phone interviews to help determine the direction and future of our organization.

Involvement in and support of Alpha Delta Pi is different for everyone. At different life stages there are so many different ways that you can help. Here are some ways you can stay connected to Alpha Delta Pi:


Alpha Delta Pi Executive Office
1386 Ponce de Leon Ave. NE
Atlanta, GA 30306
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