By Deleigha Hodges, Pi – Iowa State University
Dr. King has always been someone who I look up to, as he was truly the epitome of a servant leader. He saw the problems African American communities were facing and became a voice for the people. He was a leader who stood for what he believed in and would not stop fighting for the basic human rights of all people. As members of Alpha Delta Pi, I think it is important for us to understand the impact Dr. King has left on the history of our nation as well as looking at what we can do to continue his work.
Here are a few of his quotes I think are just as relevant today, and when you take the time to deconstruct what Dr. King was saying, you’ll see they can aide you in living a just and positive life.
There are of course so many more, as he was such an intelligent and eloquently spoken man, but these are a few that I believe we as Alpha Delta Pi women can apply to leading by example and Being The First in all aspects of our lives.
As you take the time to reflect or engage in service this week, I encourage you consider Dr. King’s “most persistent and urgent question,
I hope our motto, We Live For Each Other, continues to be at the forefront of your mind as you interact with sisters and your community. There are going to be times in our lives where situations may not go the way we planned or we see improvements that can be made around us. Remember, there is nothing stopping you from standing up and being the leader you want to be.